Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Blink

I love this song! It really speaks to me and continually reminds me of how fast and fragile our life here on earth is. It's so true. It takes me back to being a child and believing in all things good and imagining the world at my fingertips. What happens between then and now? I don't know. Somehow we loose that excitement and wonder of life. So take a deep breath, think back to more simple times, and revel in imaginary friends, dreams, and fairy tales. We really only have one life! Enjoy it! I know how easy it is to get caught up in everything in our lives and forget about this great gift we have in each new day. Just remember, today is a new day. It's all yours to make and unfold anyway you chose. Go out and make it yours!

1 comment:

amy said...

Thanks for the gentle reminder. I like that song to... I dont think I have ever heard it. Once again cute picture Kate :)

