Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!

Remember when you were a kid and adults would tell you how fast time flies by? Well, now I unfortunately am experiencing it first hand. My little Jackie boy is turning one today (Sat. January 31st)! I can honestly say I've enjoyed every moment with Jack. I am constantly reminded by those around us of what a sweet boy he is. He has always been such a joy. He is so loving and truly is loved! Here are some of Jack's loves:

1. Buttons. Anything he can push with his little chubby fingers and get a response from. Current favorites include the TV remote, phones, music player, & not to forget, his little play piano.

2. Kitty cats. Basically anything soft and cuddly Jack will lay down and snuggle with it. He's such a cuddly boy.

3. Dancing. Just turn on any music with a good beat and you'll be sure to find a little boy bopping around. His latest move, the jig. Some may call this the river dance. If he gets really in the grove he'll break this move out.

4. Lily. More and more I can see his love for his sister grow. When she is not around he will wander around the house looking for his little playmate. When she does arrive he gets a huge grin on his face and runs toward her. Jack really enjoys giving her aggressive hugs or wrestling. I'm not quite sure which. Sometimes I think it starts out as a hug and turns into a wrestling move, either way Lily (my temperamental cuddler) is warming up to them.

Happy 1st Birthday Jack! We pray that we will have many more years to love you and watch you grow.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

{ i }

I am: a mother, a wife, a child, a friend
I think: I need to be more organized and clean my house more
I know: I am loved
I want: a nap
I dislike: Inconsiderate people
I miss: Being young and not having a care in the world
I fear: My children will misbehave out in public (I don't know why, It's happened sooo many times)
I hear: My children playing
I smell: everything... it runs in the family... we are big "smellers" (ditto Amy & Sal)
I crave: pizza most often (me too Amy & Sal)
I cry: Mostly when my husband says something rude.
I search: for faith and the good in people. Unfortunately I don't always find what I'm looking for
I wonder: What my children will look like in 5, 10, 20 years
I regret: Not telling people I love them
I love: my family & friends
I care: very little about our environment and animals and more about human beings and the relationships between them
I always: Smile and laugh with my children
I worry: about money (right there with you Sal)
I am not: A maid!
I remember: certain places or people by just a smell
I believe: in God
I dance: Upstairs with my daughter to her favorite song, "Cows".
I sing: Most often. If I like the song
I don't always: Pay my bills on time:(
I argue: When I am right!
I write: When I'm passionate
I win: All of the time, unless Tim's playing :(
I lose: Respect for people when they lie
I wish: upon a shooting star
I listen: to everyone, but not often heard
I don't understand: Newborn sleep schedules
I can usually be found: At home or my mothers or my sister Amy's
I am scared: of eating too much
I forget: a lot of little things...
I am happy: when the house is clean, really clean!
TAG... if you are reading this... you are it!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Cupcake Apron

I just finished making my new cupcake apron. I really enjoyed making it and love it even more now that it's finished. Thank you Janet (my mother-in-law) for helping so much! I can't wait to make more. I'm thinking of doing a "mommy & me" set. I think that would be super cute! Check out my new blog . I plan on creating many more sewing projects and cute child/baby centered items to sell there. Currently, I am working on a splat mat. Something to put under a highchair or art space to catch the mess. Let me know what you think, I love comments. Please check my Lily Pants Designs blog, as I will post pictures there as well.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sugar, sugar.

Look good? I just finished baking these awesome cupcakes! OK, I may be a little biased. I like to refer to them as my pink sugar cupcakes. Now I realize my piddly little camera does not do them justice, however, you need to trust me on this one... they're unbelievable! My little pink sugars consist of chocolate cake batter with a pinch of coconut and a small amount of my secret ingredient thrown in. The frosting is a simple butter cream with a sprinkle of pink sugar and a tad bit of coconut to top it off. I made these for my big Scentsy open house tomorrow. So, if you are planning on attending this grand event, you will be rewarded for your presence with one of these little gems, if you so choose. Now, for those unfortunate few who can not attend tomorrow evening, so sad too bad.
On a different note, I have to let you know of the drama that was last night. So, my little Jackie boy has been battling with this really horrible cold for a couple of weeks. I thought his infliction was on the way out by now, but in the back of my mind I knew there was something off. I noticed that he wasn't eating as much as he usually does and sleeping, what's that? So, when he woke up 30 min. after we laid him down for the night screaming "bloody murder" I knew I had to do something. Tim and I discussed what action we would take, I left with Jack to the ER. Tim had to stay home with sleeping Lily. Upon arriving at Good Sam, a rush of feelings and memories swept over me. It had been almost two years exactly since Tim and I had urgently walk through those doors with our first, Lily. After many hours there, we walked away learning she had contracted RSV and all would be OK, eventually. So here I was back at it again, but with a different child and by myself this time. If you are fortunate enough not to have breached that emergency room thresh hold, count yourself blessed. I had never been there until I had children. Just imagine a bar with no drinks, tables, music, or dancing. Bright lights are all around as well as people, and not the kind you would mind hanging out at a bar with. These individuals are of a different kind. They're mostly made up of sickies with a few suspicious characters thrown in. Now, I did witness a few patients who you might have seen in a bar, or stumbling out. After a couple hours spent waiting to be seen and a few minutes actually being seen, we found out what I had suspected all along. Jack's cold had grown into an ear infection with a touch of bronchiolitis. So all is well now with antibiotics and nebulizers. It's good to be home.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

So finally Tim and I created our look-a-like meters. I'm a little bummed about the results of our children. I was hoping to get a little variance on the two. Well, I'll let you have a look-see. Tell me what you think. Enjoy!

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Free genealogy - Family tree template

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Geneology - Pedigree

Gwyn Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Lost relatives - Geneology

Gwyn Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

