Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!

Remember when you were a kid and adults would tell you how fast time flies by? Well, now I unfortunately am experiencing it first hand. My little Jackie boy is turning one today (Sat. January 31st)! I can honestly say I've enjoyed every moment with Jack. I am constantly reminded by those around us of what a sweet boy he is. He has always been such a joy. He is so loving and truly is loved! Here are some of Jack's loves:

1. Buttons. Anything he can push with his little chubby fingers and get a response from. Current favorites include the TV remote, phones, music player, & not to forget, his little play piano.

2. Kitty cats. Basically anything soft and cuddly Jack will lay down and snuggle with it. He's such a cuddly boy.

3. Dancing. Just turn on any music with a good beat and you'll be sure to find a little boy bopping around. His latest move, the jig. Some may call this the river dance. If he gets really in the grove he'll break this move out.

4. Lily. More and more I can see his love for his sister grow. When she is not around he will wander around the house looking for his little playmate. When she does arrive he gets a huge grin on his face and runs toward her. Jack really enjoys giving her aggressive hugs or wrestling. I'm not quite sure which. Sometimes I think it starts out as a hug and turns into a wrestling move, either way Lily (my temperamental cuddler) is warming up to them.

Happy 1st Birthday Jack! We pray that we will have many more years to love you and watch you grow.

1 comment:

amy said...

Happy 1st Birthday Mr. Jack attack! Sorry about the little ouchie on the forehead the other day... someones got to control those kids of mine!!

