Thursday, January 15, 2009

{ i }

I am: a mother, a wife, a child, a friend
I think: I need to be more organized and clean my house more
I know: I am loved
I want: a nap
I dislike: Inconsiderate people
I miss: Being young and not having a care in the world
I fear: My children will misbehave out in public (I don't know why, It's happened sooo many times)
I hear: My children playing
I smell: everything... it runs in the family... we are big "smellers" (ditto Amy & Sal)
I crave: pizza most often (me too Amy & Sal)
I cry: Mostly when my husband says something rude.
I search: for faith and the good in people. Unfortunately I don't always find what I'm looking for
I wonder: What my children will look like in 5, 10, 20 years
I regret: Not telling people I love them
I love: my family & friends
I care: very little about our environment and animals and more about human beings and the relationships between them
I always: Smile and laugh with my children
I worry: about money (right there with you Sal)
I am not: A maid!
I remember: certain places or people by just a smell
I believe: in God
I dance: Upstairs with my daughter to her favorite song, "Cows".
I sing: Most often. If I like the song
I don't always: Pay my bills on time:(
I argue: When I am right!
I write: When I'm passionate
I win: All of the time, unless Tim's playing :(
I lose: Respect for people when they lie
I wish: upon a shooting star
I listen: to everyone, but not often heard
I don't understand: Newborn sleep schedules
I can usually be found: At home or my mothers or my sister Amy's
I am scared: of eating too much
I forget: a lot of little things...
I am happy: when the house is clean, really clean!
TAG... if you are reading this... you are it!

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