Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tag, You're It!

Alright, so I tagged myself from my sister's blog, http://3boysand3girls.blogspot.com/. It's picture tag. You are supposed to post your fourth picture from your fourth folder. Give it a try if you like!
This is a picture of our little "Jackie boy". Taken almost a year ago. One early Spring day, Jack was swinging so contently in his baby swing, Lily was taking a nap, and I decided to snap a few pictures of "Mr. Smiles". I loved this little shirt of his. It has a drawing of a bull dog puppy on the front. Trust me, it's very cute.


Bunny said...

Katie, I wanted to post a picture, but my 4th folder 4th picture was of boring ebay stuff. I like this picture of Jack, though. Super cute!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
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Thanks so much!

