Monday, August 31, 2009

{One Year Older}

Today is my sweet Lily's 3rd Birthday. Although it has only been three years, our lives have been jam-packed with priceless milestones and memories of her. Here are a few pictures & factoids to share of Lily over the last year...

~Favorite or pink

~Favorite foods...milk, fruit snacks, & pockasils (Popsicles)

~Hobbies...watering mom's plants, dancing while making up her own songs, and most recently painting

~Famous saying..."What you kalking (talking) about?"


Anonymous said...

Those pictures are too cute for words Kate! A lot of them I haven't seen before either. Happy birthday to miss lily pants!
love aunt Sally

amy said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Lily:) Sweet post Kate. I better get crackin... I am a couple of B-days behind.

