Last Thursday (2/5) was my husband Tim's 29th Birthday. I've been a little under the weather with a huge head cold and migraine-like headache. So, I wasn't up to blogging on his birthday. Any who, here you go my love. Your birthday blog...
Happy Birthday Timothy. Here are some of my favorite memories of Tim...
1. The moment we meet at our friends Brian & Carrie's house on New Year's Eve 2002. I swear he was a different person. One (me) would say Hispanic.
2. Our first date at Alversano's Italian Restaurant here in Sumner. I can still see him walk through the door and come over to introduce himself. The Acqua Di Gio he wore still brings me back to that moment.
3. Our first year at the Puyallup Fair. He made me ride all of the rides with him I would normally shy away from. I will never forget his enjoyment of the Extreme Scream. The one that shoots you straight up and then straight down. We rode it a couple of times. No kids and nothing to do but spend time together, we had a good time:)
4. Our first year anniversary of dating. He invited me to his apartment where he had prepared a surprise dinner out on his balcony with lights and candles. Very nice.
5. That whole first summer spent with Tim. Just hanging out together in the warm summer sun doing whatever we wanted, with very little obligations.
6. When we took a trip up to Paradise in the winter and riding back in his 4-runner listening to a Jeremy Camp CD he had just found up there.
7. Going out on adventures in his truck. Just riding together and not knowing where we were going, but enjoying just being together.
8. Our wedding day, of course. I would love to re-live this day over and over again.
9. Our first night in our very first house. I can remember sitting in the family room in our little love seat holding hands in disbelief that we were adults now in our own house.
10. The day we had our first child, Lily. We were both very excited and I could see his new love for our daughter in his eyes.
There are many more favorite memories I have of Tim and I know many more to come. Happy 29th Birthday Tim! You are loved!

I forgot Tim had that apartment!! Man, my kids were so little. Happy Birthday Tim:)
Super cute, Katie! Tell Tim we said "Happy Birthday!" We miss you guys!!!
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