As this year comes to an end I can't help but to reminisce over the good times. Wishing I could go back and relive them all over again. Ahhhh. Here are all the good times of 2008 on sumner ave.
1. Our first son, Jack was born. (Jan. 31st)
2. I threw Tim a successful "surprise you're 28!" birthday party.
3. Watching the Daffodil Parade from my front yard.
4. Laying in bed all day on Mother's Day (ok, more like half of the day).
5. Celebrating three blissful years married to Tim. (June 4th)
6. Operating a yard sale in probably some of the most toasty days of the summer.
7. Fourth of July down at the Ocean.
8. Lily's 2nd birthday.
9. Super Saturday. Our church's summertime carnival-like festival.
10. Planning, baking, and tasting cupcakes with my sister Amy.
11. Sharing a birthday lunch with my BF Danielle.
12. Trick-or-treating with my little leopard and chicken.
13. Thanksgiving dinner with family.
14. Walking downtown to watch the bridge lighting.
15. Visiting with friends and going to see Brandi Carlile in Seattle.
16. All of the hometown celebrations downtown.
17. The anticipation of snow and watching as it falls on our neighborhood.
18. All of the "sister nights". When my 3 sisters and I go out on the town.
19. Watching Tim in our Church Christmas play. (They worked so hard on it. It turned out really well!)
20. Family time.
21. Christmas Eve.
22. Christmas Day.
23. Wiping off little sticky fingers and hands.
24. First smiles, laughs, giggles, words, and steps.
25. Reading books to little eyes and eager minds.
26. And many more happy 2008 memories I have yet to reminisce over.
Thanks be to the Lord, for he has provided such a wonderful year. I'm inspired by his awesomeness! Eagerly anticipating more triumphs and challenges as he unveils another year for us. Here's to 2009, a year full of love and laughter!

So many "Sister Nights" oh... so many. Whos turn is it next anyway?
We DO need another sister night... I believe it is my turn. How about the Saturday after your Sentsy party Kate? -Sal
We DO need another sister night.. and even better, I believe it is my turn! How about next Friday night or the Saturday after your sentsy party Kate?
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