Whenever I hear a Bette Midler song it brings me back to my childhood. The days of riding in my mother's car on the way to our cabin at the beach in late August (when the summer really started). My sister Sally, my mother, and I would sing "under the boardwalk" with the windows rolled down, feeling that warm ocean air brush against our faces. Or even exercising with my mother at "the club" (this is what we called the gym at our house). The very first time I listened to this actual song was there in the locker room. I was brushing my hair after a swim and my mother turned to us girls (my three sisters and I) and said, " I love this new song by Bette Midler" and we sat there listening and singing along. I would come to hear that song many times as my mother enjoyed it. That is just a glimpse of how my mother influenced my life and the way I mother my children now. I look back and think how wonderful a childhood I had! This is due a great deal to my mother (and father, but it's not his birthday so sorry dad). I wouldn't give anything to change it one bit. She was and still is such a warm and caring mother, thanks mom. Happy Birthday!
Love Always your daughter,
Katie Anne
Katie, I remember that also. Sweet memories:)
Oh so cute!
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