Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes, I've been tagged.

Well, it happened. I was reading my sister Amy's blog and she tagged me. So, now I am required to write 10 of Tim's favorite things. We'll see how I do. I should be pretty close. Here we go...

10. Kitty cats. Yep, my husband has a thing for those little furry felines. He had a cat growing up that lasted a long time. I think it died when he was in college. His parents have around five as we speak. Although, not on their own accord. They've mostly accumulated from Tim and Christine. I must admit they are cute when they're kittens, but then they grow up and stink!

9. Video Games. Games, games, games. What more can I say? Aside from Wii Sports, I don't care for them and try not to be around when he plays them. Did I mention I can't stand them?

8. Snuggling. He is a HUGE snuggler. I on the other hand don't care for it too much. We took a "Love Language" test a few months back and as it turned out his number one love language is... personal touch (mine, acts of service). So I've learned to accept it and embrace the snuggles.

7. Sleeping. If Tim could sleep all day long, he would. He told me yesterday, as he was justifying a soon to be snoozer, he hadn't had a nap yet today. I think I'll use that one next time he comes home from work and the kids are awry.

6. TV. A lot like sleeping, if he could do this all day he would. Come to think of it, he does some times. We do watch some shows together after the kids are asleep. Our current favorites, The Office, Pushing Daisies, & sometimes Dancing w/ The Stars although he wouldn't admit it.

5. Sports and poker (if you can call that a sport). He thoroughly enjoys most all sports, excluding the Seattle Mariners.

4. Meat. Like most men, Tim loves meat. Especially red meat. I'd say his overall favorites are Bacon, Rib Eye Steak, T-Bone, and my 7-bone roast. Yummy:)

3. Diet Pepsi or Coke Zero. The boy likes his caffeinated beverages. I think these are the most prevalent refreshments in his diet. I enjoy a nice cold regular Coke (or Dr. Pepper) every now and then, but Tim can really put 'em away.

2. Family. Tim absolutely LOVES his children and me too. I admit this is one of his best qualities. I know it is hard on him when he has to work long hours and doesn't see us all day, and sometimes night, long. He is a wonderful father and husband.

1. Our Lord and Savior. That is one of the first things that attracted me to Tim. He is active in our church and sooo knowledgeable in our belief.

That's it. I hope I covered it all. It may not be in the correct order, but I believe it all to be true. Now it's your turn. Yes, I am tagging you. If you are reading this and have yet to do it, consider yourself tagged!

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