Two peas in a pod. Thick as thieves. Tight knit. Close as close can be. Of all the terms and clichés that describe our relationships, I think the word “sister” says it best. When I was sick, you were there by my side to cheer me up and make me feel better. When you signaled “LP” I knew what that meant, and we would meet upstairs to play Little People. We even had this long drawn out routine to say goodnight to each other full of silly sayings and a dos. When you felt happy, it made me smile. And when you got married today my heart swelled with happiness for you. Because that is what it means to be a sister. Congratulations to my playmate, my confidant, my sister, my friend.
My wishes for Sally and Ryan are that they have a continued loving friendship and partnership; that they enjoy success and laughter; and that they always see and talk with their heart.
Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another… So, here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!