December 27th was my oldest nieces' birthday. I wanted to write her a happy belated birthday post. So, happy 13th birthday Kyler! Here are a few things you may not know about yourself:
~ When you were a new baby and your parents had moved back up to Washington, I absolutely did not like ridding in the car with you. Sorry:) Every time the car would stop, you would cry. Being a young teenager (not much older than you now) I wasn't used to a baby crying. I remember one event when I went out with your mother & you and she need to stop by Albertsons. She asked if I would stay in the car with you while she ran in real quick. Well, needless to say you started screaming as soon as she left and what I'm sure was fairly quick, seemed like forever as you sat wailing in the back seat. I tried to console you, but it was useless, one of my biggest fears (at that time) had come true. Thank God you (and I) got over it:)
~ A year or two passed and your parents were living in their Puyallup house. I loved going down to visit and sometimes babysit you. You were such a well behaved cute little toddler! A tiny little body with tons of adorable curly hair. We played all sorts of games together. You loved to watch a cartoon called "Little Bear". I have to admit, I liked it too.
~ It seems like yesterday I was volunteering & occasionally teaching in your 1st grade class. It was such a joy to see you flourish in pretty much everything in school. You have always been such a smart girl!
We love you Kyler! Hope you had a wonderful 13th birthday. We are blessed to have you in our lives:)