Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sally & Ryan September 4th, 2010

Two peas in a pod. Thick as thieves. Tight knit. Close as close can be. Of all the terms and clichés that describe our relationships, I think the word “sister” says it best. When I was sick, you were there by my side to cheer me up and make me feel better. When you signaled “LP” I knew what that meant, and we would meet upstairs to play Little People. We even had this long drawn out routine to say goodnight to each other full of silly sayings and a dos. When you felt happy, it made me smile. And when you got married today my heart swelled with happiness for you. Because that is what it means to be a sister. Congratulations to my playmate, my confidant, my sister, my friend.

My wishes for Sally and Ryan are that they have a continued loving friendship and partnership; that they enjoy success and laughter; and that they always see and talk with their heart.

Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another… So, here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

{Our Summer In Pictures}

Sally & Ryan's Wedding...

Lily's 4th Birthday...

A Trip to the Zoo...

4th of July at the beach house...

A day trip with a long lost cousin...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Babies Having Babies...

This is Lily and her cousin/bff Ella. They were pretending to have babies with our mini beach balls from Jack's birthday party a while back. It is so funny to see what these two come up with when they get together:) Could this be a little foreshadowing?...Many many years later.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

{Happy Easter}

I wish everyone a blessed Easter spent with those you hold dear. As we celebrate the miracle of our Savior rising from the grave, our family has a little miracle to announce as well. We are expecting baby number 3 due this November. Happy Easter!

Monday, February 1, 2010

{ 2 Years... }

Sunday, January 31st was our little Jack's second Birthday. I always say it, but it is so true that the time just passes by so quickly. Like I did for Lily, this is your birth story Jack:

I first have to say that being pregnant with you was my very favorite, comfort wise. Now, I only have one other to compare too and it was in the warmer seasons, however I really enjoyed my time with you. I felt great aside from the agonizing back pain after 3pm. I wasn't as swollen or gain as much weight as I did with Lily. I loved it!

O.k. back to the actual birthday. I went in for my weekly check-up earlier that week and the Dr. informed me that he was going on vacation the week you were due. Now, why he had waited until then to tell me, I don't know. Probably because he didn't want me to change Dr.s. Needless to say I will not be returning for his services if we need them again. Any who, it was at that appointment that we decided to try and induce labor a few days before your due date. So, I went back to see him on the 29th of Jan. with my mother (your grandmother) and Lily for a final check before the inducing began the next day. I think your dad was working. I remember waiting there in the office to see the Dr. watching the snow fall outside, it was such an exciting time. We found out that I was already dilated to a 3 and effacing. Good news!

So, the next day I woke up at 4am to call the hospital to find out what time I could go in. Unfortunately they were so busy that day that they told me not to and to call back at noon. So, I did and they were still busy! We were getting so anxious. We called back at 2:30pm and they told us to come on in. So we then called my mother to come over and watch Lily.

At the hospital we were all set up and ready to go by 3pm. The nurses started me on a low dose of the pit. I have been very blessed with my labor experiences. So far, they haven't been too bad. It definitely hurts, but nothing unmanageable. The problem I had with you was the 4 epidurals that never worked:( Next time I am not fooling around with those. So, your dad and I enjoyed family members coming and going while I labored there until around 12:30 am. My nurse checked me and told me I was not quite a 10 yet so I could not push like I wanted to. What my nurse didn't know was that I didn't listen to her and went with what my body was telling me to do and pushed. Well not too long after a few pushes I could feel your head coming out (sorry if this grosses out some of you). So, I mentioned to the nurse who was checking my contractions on the machine next to me, that I can feel a head. She ran over and yelled out to the hall that she needed help because you were almost out! They should have listened to me:)

Our Dr. wasn't even called in yet. When he did finally show up your dad made a smart comment like "Thanks for showing up". Which I didn't really blame him since the nurses didn't want to call him when I had originally told them to. It all ended up fine and I really liked pushing by myself, my own way. Definitely writing that in my birthing plan if there is a next time.

So, that is your birth story Jack. I still cannot believe you are as old as you are already. We have enjoyed every minute of those two years we've had you here. You are loved by many!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

{Birthday Girl}

December 27th was my oldest nieces' birthday. I wanted to write her a happy belated birthday post. So, happy 13th birthday Kyler! Here are a few things you may not know about yourself:

~ When you were a new baby and your parents had moved back up to Washington, I absolutely did not like ridding in the car with you. Sorry:) Every time the car would stop, you would cry. Being a young teenager (not much older than you now) I wasn't used to a baby crying. I remember one event when I went out with your mother & you and she need to stop by Albertsons. She asked if I would stay in the car with you while she ran in real quick. Well, needless to say you started screaming as soon as she left and what I'm sure was fairly quick, seemed like forever as you sat wailing in the back seat. I tried to console you, but it was useless, one of my biggest fears (at that time) had come true. Thank God you (and I) got over it:)

~ A year or two passed and your parents were living in their Puyallup house. I loved going down to visit and sometimes babysit you. You were such a well behaved cute little toddler! A tiny little body with tons of adorable curly hair. We played all sorts of games together. You loved to watch a cartoon called "Little Bear". I have to admit, I liked it too.

~ It seems like yesterday I was volunteering & occasionally teaching in your 1st grade class. It was such a joy to see you flourish in pretty much everything in school. You have always been such a smart girl!

We love you Kyler! Hope you had a wonderful 13th birthday. We are blessed to have you in our lives:)

