Monday, August 31, 2009

{One Year Older}

Today is my sweet Lily's 3rd Birthday. Although it has only been three years, our lives have been jam-packed with priceless milestones and memories of her. Here are a few pictures & factoids to share of Lily over the last year...

~Favorite or pink

~Favorite foods...milk, fruit snacks, & pockasils (Popsicles)

~Hobbies...watering mom's plants, dancing while making up her own songs, and most recently painting

~Famous saying..."What you kalking (talking) about?"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Surprise! It's your Birthday.

My niece Madyson turned eight yesterday Aug. 29th. I can't believe it was eight years ago I sat in the hospital waiting to hear the news of her birth. I hadn't even met my husband yet and, or course, no kids. Boy how times have changed!

Happy Birthday Madyson!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am looking forward to seeing more of you in this coming year:)

