Hello All! It's been quite sometime since I've posted. Wow, almost a month! It all started when our computer went on the fritz and died. We are currently borrowing my sister Sally's older (not that old) college computer. We have been up and running for about a week or so. I don't know why I haven't written. I think I've just been procrastinating, I'm good at that. So, where to start...
Party goers. Lily's birthday.

Tim's been working like crazy. This is a good thing. Unfortunately I don't get to see him as much as I'd like. He works long hours during the week and some Saturdays. I sometimes feel like a single mother. I shouldn't complain, though, others have it worse. I'm just happy he has a job and is able to provide for his family.
Savannah at Lily's party, treat in hand :)
As for me, I haven't been doing too much. Just running the show. Tim and I got to escape from the children for one night to attend a surprise party for our friend Carrie's 30th b-day. Sally and her boyfriend Ryan watched Lily and Jack for us. Thanks guys. It was fun to get out and not worry about diaper changes and potty breaks. Tim really surprised me with his wonderful singing abilities with the karaoke they had at the party. It was great fun. The following night I had a bunco event to go to at my sister Amy's house. It was a bit of a formal event. You see, we wore old bride's maid or prom dresses. Well, most of us. There were a few downers (lame people who decided not to join in on the festivities). I wore one of Sally's dresses from a recent wedding she was in. Only problem I encountered was the zipping it up part. Apparently it was not made for a nursing mother, if you know what I mean. I got about half of it up then covered the rest with a sweater shawl, quite the perfect combo. All in all it was a great success. No winnings for me though :(
Lily and Jack in their halloween costumes for this year. Jack's a chicken and Lily's a lepard/jaguar.
Jack is doing well. He's getting closer and closer to walking. Yesterday he started walking around the furniture and from one piece to another. Growing too fast. :( He has four (almost five) teeth now. Two on the bottom and two on the top. It's amazing how fast time slips away now that there are two to chase after. I remember hearing those same words right after I had Lily, and still do every now and then, and thinking to myself "Yeah right, it seems like it is going so slow." I just wanted to sleep through the night. I don't know if it was because she was my first, but it seems like I wanted to rush through and experience all of her milestones right away. I was so anxious. Now I would love to go back and re-live it all slowly, taking it all in, knowing I'll never have her that small again. She is and will be always growing. Mind you, a little slower at it then my Jack, but still too fast for me. It really reminds you of how fleeting life can be and how important it is to slow down, relax, and enjoy this gift we have all been given, a new day. Take it in! The birthday girl.