Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Bye Oli. Hello Lucy.

This weekend we said goodbye to our temporary cat Oliver. My sister Sally picked him up yesterday. And let me tell you, the house has never been so quiet. What a relief not to hear meowing all of the time! It's like he wanted to be fed and let out of his create everyday! Just kidding Sal :) We loved having him here. Feel free to drop him off anytime. I know Lily would love her running mate back. That girl loves to run! And she's good at it too. I guess she would have to be after all of the running around the house she does. She told me the other day that she's fast. I love to hear her when she turns a corner and makes this "vshoo" sound, letting everybody in hearing distance know that she's too fast to make a corner silently. On Saturday Lily received her second haircut. Once again, my sister Amy snipped the back few hairs on her head in our attempt to move Lily's hairstyle from mullet to cute little bob. It's a never ending battle. Her hair seems to naturally gravitate to that oh so adorable mullet style. If only we lived in the hills of West Virginia.
Lily's hair cut, in action. She's very serious about her hair cuts.

We also went to my friend Carly's house for a birthday party on Sat. Lucy, Carly's hound dog, was turning two. It was fun to see Carly and her family. We don't get together as often as we should. We only live minutes apart and yet two people with college degrees and one with a masters (Carly not me) can not figure out how to fix this. I think, or like to believe, that we're just too busy. Any who, it was great fun. We enjoyed yummy adult drinks, badminton, volleyball, and my personal favorite, balls on a string. As always, Carly had a nice spread of food. For dinner she served individual pizzas that we put together and her friend Eric bar-b-qued. This was a big hit! All in all, it was a fun filled weekend. Looking forward to next weekend. We will be traveling down to Ocean Shores for the Labor Day festivities. And of course, Lily's 2nd birthday:) I'm praying for fun in the sun and as always, a safe trip.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

No news is good news...right?

I haven't written yet this week due to the lack of events. Not much going on around here to report. Tim is still working regularly, thank God! Lily and Jack are growing like weeds. Well, Jack more then Lily. We weighed them the other day and Lily only has five pounds on her brother. I think he'll pass her up within six months. He's mastered crawling and has now moved on to pulling himself up on everything and standing. Occasionally he thinks it would be a good idea to let go and just start walking. That, however, does not go over too well. Never the less, he presses on. You have to love that baby ambition. If only I had a little of that throughout my day, what I could get done or let alone start. Speaking of things to do, I better get started.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Super Saturday! Sad Sunday.

This weekend was full of ups and downs. On Saturday we had a carnival-like event at our church. Tim and I helped out with the Bar-b-que. We were blessed with wonderful weather. Lily had a blast! What toddler doesn't enjoy large amounts of sugar, games to play and win every time, and music to dance to. This was Lily's run-down: Bounce house, snow cone, beanbag toss (win a toy), bounce house, bite of hot dog, bag of chips, face painting, tic-tac-toe (win candy), ring toss (win toy & candy), lucky wheel spin (you guessed it, more candy), followed by cotton candy, and then finally passing out on the car ride home. Priceless.
Lily getting her "shishy" fishy painted on her face
Averie and Lily enjoying chips on Saturday

Sunday was a little more subdued. We ended up selling our one year old Beagle to a nice family with a little boy. We enjoyed Mr. Hubert for a whole year. Since we bought him for Lily for her first birthday, it was only fitting he went to a little boy for his birthday. I think he will be much loved and get all of the attention he deserves. I am very pleased to see Hubert found a great home. Now we are cat sitting my sister Sally's cat, Oliver. Lily enjoys chasing after him and is completely baffled when he does not share the same enthusiasm towards her! It is very confusing to her. She is always asking "where he go?" After all, all she wants to do is wave his toy right in his face (this toy consists of a few little do-dads of fluff and sparkle on a wand) and, if she gets close enough, squeezing him around his neck, giving him an "ug". Now tell me, what cat doesn't enjoy that? On Sunday we also celebrated our niece Madyson's 7th birthday with another bar-b-que (good food!), cake, ice cream, and presents. It was a lot of fun, however, very hot and muggy feeling. Today we will try to get back to our original schedules and take pleasure in this cooler weather.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Summer Days

My friend Danielle sent me these pictures today. I thought they were pretty funny. We took them quite some time ago and I had forgotten about them. Danielle has a daughter, Averie, 4 months older then Lily and another daughter 7 weeks older then Jack. It's nice to have a friend with children so close.

Today was quite the hotsie-totsie day! It reminded me of those hot days in the summer when I was a kid and had nothing to do but lay around my parents house or out in the sunny backyard. When my biggest decision was whether to chose the orange or red popsicle. Usually I chose both. Oh, how I long for those days sometimes.

The kids and I spent most of our time today indoors. With such nice weather I usually like to take advantage of it, but somehow time escaped me. We did manage to travel to the Grocery Outlet for a few things and ran into my mother there:) I love living so close to my family. It's fun to bump into each other while out and about. That never happened when I was growing up.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well, it's official! I am now a blogger. A word I thought I would never use to describe me. Oh well, there it is. And so now I suppose I'm required to write... It is a little late for me though. Both of my children are sleeping and so I think I might take some much deserved rest myself. Until tommorrow.

